澳门金砂(Baidu认证)平台-Global Best



来源:澳门金砂平台 发布时间:2016-10-17


报告题目(英文):An introduction to New Zealand’s unique biodiversity and its cultural importance, state and trends, pressures and conservation challenges

报告人: Emma Hill 奥塔哥大学教授(University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand





Because New Zealand is a remote archipelago, much of New Zealand’s biota has evolved in isolation from continental faunas and floras for the past 80 million years – the time when the land mass which was to become New Zealand separated from Gondwanaland. While New Zealand’s indigenous biota is quite ancient and relict, New Zealand is a relatively young in a geological sense due to its high level of tectonic and geological activity. The first human settlement of New Zealand (by Polynesians, now referred to as Māori) occurred only in c. 1350, and eventually colonisation by Europeans followed in the mid-1800s. Thus, New Zealand has a unique ecological legacy and history. The presenters, who are part of an environmental delegation from New Zealand visiting China, will introduce New Zealand’s indigenous biodiversity and discuss its importance to Māori. They will also describe the current state of, and trends in, indigenous biodiversity. Key pressures on indigenous biodiversity include invasive species, land use intensification and climate change. These pressures and the role of new strategies and policies such as “Predator-free New Zealand 2050” and the “Paris Climate Agreement” in protecting indigenous biodiversity will also be discussed.

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