澳门金砂(Baidu认证)平台-Global Best



来源:澳门金砂平台 发布时间:2016-10-17



报告题目(英文):Revealing the ecological responses of lakes to anthropogenic pressures using palaeolimnological analyses of lake sediment cores: Examples of rapid environmental changes from New Zealand lakes

报告人:Marc Schallenberg奥塔哥大学教授(University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand




报告内容简介:The first human settlement of New Zealand (by Polynesians, now referred to as Māori) occurred only in c. 1350, and eventually colonisation by Europeans followed in the mid-1800s. While strong anthropogenic impacts on New Zealand lowland ecosystems have occurred relatively recently (compared to China and most other countries), many of these ecosystems have been heavily impacted in the past 150 years by land use intensification and invasive species. Therefore, good historical records often exist which can be used to test and calibrate palaeoecological reconstructions. There is also some debate in New Zealand as to whether a pre-1850 reference condition is an appropriate restoration target for some of our ecosystems. Thus, palaeolimnological techniques are being increasingly used to determine lake reference conditions (pre-1850 and pre-Polynesian), to understand the dynamics of pressure-response relationships in lakes, to search for evidence of catastrophic regime shifts, to understand the impacts of changing management regimes (e.g., hydrological alteration, nutrient loading, biomanipulation) and to understand future impacts of sea level rise. This presentation will show examples of this work and will discuss how lake managers and policy developers in New Zealand are becoming increasingly interested in the questions that palaeolimnological investigations can provide answers to.



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